When it comes to dealing with Yeast- it's important to understand a little bit about your opponent.

1) Yeast thrives in warm, dark places- like your diaper pail.

2) Yeast is very hard to kill, and can live on just about everything. So you may think its gone, only for it to pop up again.

3) Yeast begins in the body, so it's important to deal with it from both a laundry and a diet angle.

The first thing you are going to want to do is treat the rash. You can try a cloth diaper safe cream like Delish Naturals or try coconut oil, to protect and allow the skin to heal.

Once you have the skin covered, you need to focus on how to kill the yeast. Which is a two part solution.

First, consult with your doctor about ways to kill the yeast in the digestive track. This could include things like nystatin, an increase in yogurt or probiotic intake, etc.

Second, tackle the diaper stash!

  • cold wash with Tea Tree Oil (10 drops in a FL, 20 drops in a TL)
  • Rock a soak with Rockin' Green
  • lay out in FULL sun and/or dry on HIGH heat.

Repeat the process until every diaper in your stash is treated, being careful not to cross-contaminate loads.

Here's a great resource to learn more about yeast. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.199669183412035.52772.135548646490756