When it comes to cloth diapers, there are generally two kinds of smell problems. It's important to understand what each smell means, because if left untreated it can lead to rashes and general unpleasantness.

1) First, we have FUNK- this is the ammonia/burn your nostrils smell that is fairly common in the industry. Ammonia can be a sign that there is something wrong with your wash routine- incorrect formula, too much or not enough soap, etc so contact us for specifics on how to combat this problem. One of the most common problems we come across is not rinsing enough at the beginning of your routine, so you can try adding more water to your pre-rinse (or doing a longer cycle) to see if that helps. As your child gets older, you may notice this problem creeping up more and more as well- especially once they start sleeping through the night. Funk Rock is a product designed to help with ammonia smells, so you can try adding it to your routine to neutralize ammonia at the source.

2) Barnyard is another common problem, and is usually related to bacteria buildup. This can be solved by using more detergent, and increasing the temperature of your water heater. Generally 120-130 will suffice.

For more specifics on washing diapers check out this information How To