Frontloader Problems?
Every day I get emails from customers regarding the right wash routine for their HE machines. Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error to figure out the right wash routine for your cloth diapers, but with a little bit of persistence most people LOVE their HE machines for cloth.
A Word About HE Machines and Ammonia…
main thing that I would recommend when using a front loader, is to make
sure that you are getting plenty of water through your diapers during
the inital rinse/wash prior to adding the soap. Some of the most
successful wash routines involve a long cold wash before adding the
You can also consult the Rockin’ a Frontloader Database- for more information on specific wash routines for your front loader.
*You can also try the towel trick- by throwing in a few towels along with your diapers to trick your washer into using more water.
Here’s a great article from regarding front loaders and ammonia problems
Your diapers should smell clean after they are washed. If they smell like urine, then it is clear that they have a urine residue. If they smell clean after they are washed and then like ammonia after the first pee, then it is probable that they have a urine residue.
How do I know I have a urine residue?
- Strong odor of ammonia
- Bad diaper rash
Where does the “stink” come from?
a wet cloth diaper smells really bad, it is most likely due to an
overproduction of ammonia. In the body, ammonia is converted to urea and
excreted. Once the urine is released, the urea begins converting back
to ammonia, so some ammonia smell is perfectly normal.
Lingering urea in the diaper and certain types of bacteria can speed up and increase the production of ammonia. So if you smell an unusually strong odor of ammonia after your baby pees, you most likely have a biological residue in your diaper.
This residue is most commonly caused by not using enough water to wash and rinse diapers clean. It can also be caused by not using enough detergent. Detergent is what enables water to enter the fibres of the cloth and release its soil (by decreasing the surface tension of the water). If there is too little water (or detergent), the urine is diluted, but not rinsed away. It is recycled in the wash and dries onto the fabric, remaining there in the form of residues. (From
So, if you are Rockin’ a Frontloader there is no need to worry! Just work on getting more water through your diapers, and use the recommended amount of Rockin’ Green for super clean diapers and clothing!
We are always available to help you with your wash routine, so if you are still struggling with washing cloth diapers in a frontloader, send us an email and we will be happy to help.