Earning points in the Rockin' Green Rewards Program is easy - every order* at www.RockinGreenSoap.com
qualifies you for points towards your account. We even added 50 Welcome
Points automatically to your account to get you started towards your
first discount!
Customers with store accounts are automatically
enrolled. If you do not have a store account, join the Rockin' Green
Rewards today by clicking here to create your account.
Earn 1 point for every $1 spent! Rewards are issued as coupons.
must be sure to login to your account when you order so that your
points can be posted to your balance. If you checkout as a "Guest"
without an account we cannot post your points.
If you have any questions, please email us at guru@rockingreensoap.com or check out the other FAQs for this topic.
* applied discounts, tax and shipping totals are not included towards point totals