When it comes to dosage, there are many variables that need to be
considered and it may take a little bit of trial and error to find the
right dosage for your situation.
Here are a few things that you may need to adjust your dosage for:
· A very large or very small load
· Soft or hard water
· Soil level
recommend that you start with 2 tbs for a frontloader/HE machine and 3
tbs for a toploader. *Many customers use more or less than this amount,
so use this as a STARTING point for your own wash routines*
close attention to the end result. If you notice excessive staining,
smells, ammonia or irritation please adjust accordingly until you get
the desired result. Your final rinse should be bubble free and crystal
clear, if you notice bubbles or cloudiness continue to rinse until you
have a clean rinse cycle.